Cost Accountant
Zverejnené 16.01.2025
Who We Are Looking For:
For our client, a leading designer and manufacturer of sensors, actuators, and electronic components for original equipment manufacturers, we are seeking a detail-oriented and experienced Cost Accountant. This role primarily supports the Danish branch but extends to other European entities.You will be based at our office in Prague – Nupaky, with occasional business trips to Denmark. Organizationally, this position is aligned with our Danish location.
Regional Responsibilities:
- Contribute to the preparation of accurate and timely financial reports for non-operational entities, including forecasts, statements, and ad-hoc requests, in alignment with corporate and SBU guidelines.
- Manage banking and payment processes for non-operational entities.
- Oversee regional pricing and vendor master data changes, ensuring proper documentation.
- Assist plant controllers with monthly balance sheet reconciliations and share best practices.
- Monitor GRIR accounts and support local personnel in resolving aged items.
- Administer AP automation software, managing invoices, shared inboxes, and AP performance reporting.
- Support other ad-hoc tasks, including temporary site assistance.
Danish Responsibilities:
- Manage accounts receivable processes for CTS Denmark, including reporting, sending payment reminders, and collaborating with sales teams to collect overdue balances.
- Review SAP-generated invoices to ensure accuracy and proper distribution.
- Issue and distribute prepayment invoices and credit notes to customers.
- Participate in the AP payment workflow, approving payments in online banking systems.
- Handle additional ad-hoc tasks as required.
What We Expect from You:
- Solid accounting knowledge and a proactive approach to process improvement.
- Strong decision-making, organizational, and communication skills.
- Advanced MS Office skills (especially Excel) and experience with SAP S4/HANA.
- Fluency in English, both written and spoken.
- Bachelor Degree or AP degree in finance/accounting.
- Minimum of 5 years of experience in a similar role.
What We Offer:
- Competitive salary package: A salary package that reflects your skills, experience, and contributions, with an annual salary review to ensure your compensation is aligned with market trends.
- Flexibility: A hybrid working model combining office and home office options.
- Generous Time Off: 25 days of vacation and sick days for unexpected needs.
- Attractive Benefits: A monthly allowance for a benefits card, meal vouchers, and regular training programs.
- Professional Growth: Support for career development and opportunities to engage in international projects.
- Work-Life Balance: A supportive environment to thrive professionally and personally.
- Office Location: Prague - Nupaky
If this offer has caught your interest, please send us your structured CV. We will contact you shortly.
PŘEDVÝBĚR.CZ s.r.o. reserves the right not to contact candidates who do not meet the above requirements.
The advantage of working with us is speed! You will only have a phone interview with our consultants!
By responding to this advertisement, I agree that PŘEDVÝBĚR.CZ s.r.o., with its registered office at Na Kozačce 1289/7, Prague 2, processes my personal data for the purpose of job mediation in accordance with Act No. 110/2019 Coll., until revoked in writing.
Informácie o pozícii
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Spoločnosť PREDVÝBER.SK s.r.o. si vyhradzuje právo nekontaktovať kandidátov, ktorí nebudú spĺňať vyššie uvedené požiadavky.
Výhodou spolupráce s nami je rýchlosť. S našimi konzultantmi absolvujete iba telefonický pohovor.
Ako spoločnosť PREDVÝBER.SK sro, Na Kozačce 1289/7, Vinohrady (Praha 2), 120 00 (ďalej len „Správca“) spracováva Vaše osobné údaje za účelom plnenia budúcej zmluvy si môžete prečítať v Zásadách spracovania osobných údajov..
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