We guarantee you
Unrivaled benefits
Save your time and energy
Move time-consuming searches, addresses and initial interviews with suitable candidates to us.
We will send you the first CVs of selected suitable candidates within 5 working days.
The best price
With us, you only pay a one-time price, not employee salary multiples.
Addressing the whole market
We advertise your position on the 10 largest job servers at once. Jobs.cz, Prace.cz, Superkariera.cz, jobDNES.cz, EasyPráce.cz, Profesia, DobraPrace, VimVic, Personálka, Annonce
facts we improve
success in filling candidates
quality candidates on average per position
customers will use our service repeatedly
years of experience

your ideal
candidates within reach
You will work with professionals in your field who will do their best for you.
- You will be satisfied, we guarantee you at least 5 quality candidates.
- We also find difficult professions that are difficult to fill in the labor market.
- You will receive intensive feedback with the opportunity to consult and optimize your assignment.