HW Development Engineer
Zveřejněno 06.12.2024
For our client, an international company specializing in the development of modern power electronics, we are looking for a candidate for the position of HW Development Engineer .
Your tasks:
- Design of digital and analogue circuits, including component selection, detailed calculations, simulations, schematic and layout.
- Design of control structures and specification for digital implementation
- Technical coordination with customers, suppliers and the respective departments
- Testing and Verification of electronic circuits
- Put electronics into operation, optimisation and analysis of circuits, assemblies and devices
- Creation of development documents
Your qualifications:
- Successfully completed studies in electrical engineering or similar
- Experience in the design of power electronics assemblies (switching power supplies, DC/DC converters, etc.)
- Good knowledge in the field of analogue circuit development
- Technical knowledge of electronic components and their use in power management applications
- Good knowledge in handling electronic measurement technology and corresponding equipment in the electronics laboratory
- Solution-oriented and analytical approach
- Good communication/language skills, good knowledge of English (English it the internal communication language), well-groomed appearance, ability to work in a team, willingness to travel
Our offer:
- Work in international and skilled development team
- Interesting power electronic projects
- Flexible and family-friendly working hours (flexitime)
- Home office possible at times in coordination
- Coffee and soft drinks during working hours are of course available in the office
- Responsible and challenging tasks
- Training in your technical and strategic tasks
- Place of work: Brno or Munich
If this offer has caught your interest, please send us your structured CV. We will contact you shortly.
PŘEDVÝBĚR.CZ s.r.o. reserves the right not to contact candidates who do not meet the above-mentioned requirements.
The advantage of working with us is speed! With our consultants, you will only need to undergo a phone interview!
By responding to this advertisement, I consent to PŘEDVÝBĚR.CZ s.r.o., with its registered office at Na Kozačce 1289/7, Prague 2, processing my personal data for the purpose of job placement in accordance with Act No. 110/2019 Coll., until revoked in writing.
Informace o pozici
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Zašlete nám svůj životopis
Kliknutím na tlačítko budete přesměrováni na formulář teamio.cz – platformu společnosti LMC s.r.o., IČO: 264 41 381, který je našim partnerem v oblasti zabezpečeného ukládání Vašich osobních údajů a Vašich životopisů a zpracovává pro nás údaje v pozici zpracovatele osobních údajů.
Pokud vás tato nabídka zaujala, můžete nám také zaslat váš strukturovaný životopis emailem na predvyber@predvyber.cz. Budeme vás v nejbližší době kontaktovat.
Společnost PŘEDVÝBĚR.CZ s.r.o. si vyhrazuje právo nekontaktovat kandidáty, kteří nebudou splňovat výše uvedené požadavky.
Výhodou spolupráce s námi je rychlost. S našimi konzultanty absolvujete pouze telefonický pohovor.
Jak společnost PŘEDVÝBĚR.CZ s.r.o., Na Kozačce 1289/7, Vinohrady (Praha 2), 120 00 (dále jen „Správce“) zpracovává Vaše osobní údaje za účelem plnění budoucí smlouvy si můžete přečíst v Zásadách zpracování osobních údajů..
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