Our services

You will work with professionals in your field who will do their best for you.
PŘEDVÝBĚR.CZ Vám will save you time with searching and selecting suitable candidates. You only pay once, not the employee's salary multiples. We send the first CVs of the corresponding candidates within 5 working days.
Your position will be on the 8 or 10 largest job servers.
- You will be satisfied, we guarantee you at least 5 quality candidates during the month.
- Guaranteed saving of your time and energy, which you will use to your advantage.
- Thanks to our experience, pre-selection of candidates is the most cost-effective method.
- We will address 90% of the labor market and guarantee you high success in finding the right candidate.
Why choose us
We can prove to you that our services will not only save you time, but our pre-selection of suitable candidates according to your criteria will be the best way to fill the vacancy offered by you quickly and efficiently.Personal agencies
- Price
100 000 CZK and more
The reward for the agency is usually a multiple of the salary of the accepted candidate. Usually three salaries. - Swiftness
It often takes more than 14 days from the visit of a consultant to the presentation of candidate. - Option to appoint more candidates
You pay separately for each mediated candidate. - Guaranteed cover of job market
You have no certainty where or even if the personal agency searches. - Same priority for all
The positions with higher salaries have higher priority – because of the commission.
- Price
49 990 CZK
Single final price for all the service, no commissions, no hidden fees. - Swiftness
First candidates already within 5 workdays! - Option to appoint more candidates
It is up to you how many of the selected candidates you employ. You pay only once. - Guaranteed cover of job market
The certainty of publishing the ads on the biggest job servers during 30 days. - Same priority for all
We take the same care for all the positions.
When you search yourselves
- Price
40 000 CZK and more + your time
The price of an advertisement, price for the access to on-line CV databases, your time and troubles with searching and interviews with candidates. - Swiftness
Uncertain outcomes
You spend much time searching for candidates with an uncertain outcome. You must go through dozens of unsuitable CVs and you do not know if you find the suitable person. - Option to appoint more candidates
How many candidates you can find on your own. - Guaranteed cover of job market
Yes / No
To advertise on all job servers separately is both financially and time-demanding. - Same priority for all
You can devote the same time to each candidate.
Our services
How the cooperation takes place

We agree on the requested job position

We advertise on the 10 biggest servers

We search through CVs actively

We select the best candidates for you

You can choose your employee
Non-binding inquiry